"Era Uma Vez Um Cravo" ("Once Upon a Time There was a Carnation") is a book in the form of a poem, with verses by José Jorge Letria and illustrations by André Letria, all in black and white, with the exception of the red carnations. Narrated from the point of view of a carnation, the book tells us about its journey on the morning of the 25th of April 1974. The stage is set by Plataforma285, but it is André Loubet who gives voice to the encounters of this flower with a florist, a soldier and many other citizens of a Portugal waking up to freedom.
Ficha Técnica e Artística
Performer: André Loubet / Artistic Direction: Raimundo Cosme / Production Direction: Raquel Bravo / Communication Direction: Beatriz Vasconcelos / Text: José Jorge Letria
Production: Plataforma285 / Commissioned by: LU.CA - Teatro Luís de Camões / Artistic Residency: Cão solteiro. Residências 120
Project Calendar
Presentations: April.2023, Lu.ca - Teatro Luís de Camões / january.2024, Biblioteca de Grândola; february.2024, Biblioteca Municipal Manuel da Fonseca, Santiago do Cacém; April.2024, Biblioteca Municipal Eduardo Lourenço, Guarda; june.2024, Dias de Festa em Tibães, Mosteiro de Tibães, Braga.