Graduated in Communication Sciences, in the areas of Journalism and Communication, Culture and Arts, by the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of Universidade Nova de Lisboa. She also studied at the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona, through the Erasmus + program. She holds a master’s degree in Cultural Studies from Universidade Católica Portuguesa, in the area of Performance and Creativity. Beatriz works in communication, press relations and production, having already in her background festivals such as Doclisboa, Festival Silêncio, Vivarium Fest, Pista! magazine or exhibitions with Saco Azul Associação Cultural/Maus Hábitos. From September 2018 to February 2020, she coordinated the communication officer of LU.CA – Teatro Luís de Camões. Since 2020, integrates the TBA – Teatro do Bairro Alto communication team. She has been part of Plataforma285’s nuclear team since June 2019.
