About silence. About suspension and still about the vacuum- a myth up rises. And here, right in the center of discord itself, us and the image: we climb the mountain high and scream our lungs out, till they actually dare to forsake us: Amanda Witt! And here we remain, at this igneous image. We, the ones who are empty and shapeless, the ones who hopelessly want to break with all the existing lucidity and crush the invisible stream of our endless wishes. We stare at the moon - considering that Mercury could be retrograde - and we summon up the preposition: "Amanda - The Myth, uncertain and hazy being, you are now reborn amongst triumphal entries and easy way outs for undefined questions. Although theatre confronts your inner music, you're so pretty on the outside and that truly blows my mind. I despaire on incongruent futures but you are here with me, Amanda Witt - performative myths or ushakeable fictions: Feel free to choose! As the dust settles, the landscape becomes clearer and this image, is now factual. And that's why we pay tribute to her, in this Plataforma285 7th theater creation. Here we stand, i the tip of the Iceberg during the thaw, where a concert is only the beginning of all incertitude. So, let us honor her, hallow and worship her in a show that intends to celebrate... Celebrate what, tought.
Artistic direction, interpretation and dramatic text: Raimundo Cosme • Interpretation and co-creation: Cecília Henriques • Musical Direction, co-creation and interpretation: Isabelle Coelho • Soundscape, co-creation and interpretation: Cláudio Teixeira e Simão Joseph • Scenic Space and co-creation: Rosana Pereira • Costumes and co-creation: Marta Passadeiras • Producer: Mariana Sá Marques • Technical director: Ricardo Foz • Video: Inês Sampaio • Supports: LX Factory; Copyspot; O espaço do tempo; Boost; Maria Matos; Teatro Estúdio; Escola de Mulheres; Tricots Brancal; limousines.pt; Fnac. • Co-production: Temps D'Images and Plataforma285 • Performance financed: Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
Artistic Residence: Octubre 2015, Cão Solteiro (Lisbon)
Presentations: Decembre 2015, Espaço ZOOT - Lx Factory (Lisbon)