In 2021, Plataforma285 has joined to Rua das Gaivotas 6 / Teatro Praga  and Teatro Cão Solteiro in the curatorship and co-production of the Artista No Bairro project.   Created by this two entities in 2018, this project aims to contribute to increase the visibility of young creators, as well as the activity developed by Rua das Gaivotas 6 and Teatro Cão Solteiro (and now, also by Plataforma285), in the geographical area where these structures are located. During a month of artistic residency at Cão Solteiro, the artist selected by the structures is invited to create or continue a project of their choice that will later be presented at Rua das Gaivotas 6.



Capturing you | Fictional Politics of movement | Ana Libório | 2021